A SAINT’S CALL TO MANKIND elucidates difficult philosophical concepts in simple lucid language. Here are a few examples:
“Viveka” is not a matter of practice; it is the fruit of all practices. “Vairagya” means the raising of the value of the enjoyer above the transitory objects of enjoyment. “Pravtitti” is like a river whose flow takes one to the ocean of the world. “Nirvritti” takes one to the source of the river and raises him above the world of appearances. There is a distinction between karma and “kriya”. What is not done but takes place is “kriya”; what is done with a motive (good or bad) is “karma”. The pith of action is love. Action devoid of love is barren. Self-purification is an essencial pre-requisite of self-realisation. Self-realisation is never partial; what is partial is not self-realisation. We suffer more by the desire for things than by a lack of things themselves.

Informação adicional
Peso | 320 g |
Ano | 1957 |
Edição | 2 |
Idioma | |
Formato | 15×22 |
Encadernação | Capa dura |
N. Pág. | 174 |
Colecção |
You are not the Body
The first question which the seeker must enquire into is what is his ultimate destina. tion, bis hidden want; for no travefler can. chalk out the plan for his journey unless be knows or belie.ves where he is to go.
Attachment to the changeful objects of desire and yearning for Reality are the two opposite components of a man’s being.
As no niassing of ciouds can obliterato the sun, but can oniy hide the sun from our eyes for a while, even so no rnotiey of ileeting desires can kili our inherent and real want— tbey can only cover it up temporarily. Just as the dawn of the sun dissipates the elo cids in no time, so does the awakening of the inuer want and aspiration of man free one from ali fleeting desires.
Man’s innermost thirst for Truth or God can never be satisfied with any compound beings,
Author’s Preface
Editor’s Introduction
1 – You are not the Body
2 – Desire is Bondage
3 – Still Mind is the Free Mind
4 – Rise above Circumstances
5 – Pure Service Dissolves the Ego
6 – Love Generates Happiness
7 – Self-perfection and Self-realisation
8 – Make Life Itself a Sadhana
9 – Nothing is Yours, really
10 – Universe is One and Indivisible
11 – Living in the Present
12 – Virtue and Vice
13 – God, the Supreme Giver
14 – Self-surrender
15 – Sparks of Wisdom
16 – Lights on Sadhana
17 – Mook Satsang: Silent Communion
18 – Some Questions Answered